Artist Collaboration


Create and propose a collaboration between a local visual artist and a corresponding brand. Contact a local artist and get permission to use their artwork.

Finding an Artist

My first goal for this project was to find a local Denver artist that would allow me to create a proposed collaboration with their artwork. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the stay at home order I was not able to go to local art gallery’s or talk face to face with potential artist. So to start, I reached out to artist that I knew personally, when I did not get responses back or was told they were not interested I reached out to other local artist that I liked via email. After sending out emails, I finally got a response from the Denver artist Brian Billow. He was very happy to help and provided me with high resolution pictures of some of his artwork.


Proposed Brand Lockup

After getting permission from Brian to use his artwork for this project, I then did research into potential brands that would be a good collaboration. When talking with Brain we discussed potential objects he could see his artwork on. He has already tried putting his artwork on objects like t-shirts and bag tags for luggage so, we wanted to see if there was other objects that would work as well.

After researching multiple brands and past artist brand collaborations, I found what I thought would be the best brand to collaborate Brian’s Map work with and after showing him initial mock-ups, he agreed and thought it would be an awesome collaboration.


The Brand I propose for this artist collaboration is Hydro Flask. Why Hydro Flask?

Hydro Flask has drawn inspiration from the natural world to bring designs that are truly unique. Whatever adventure you are planning, they have the product for you. They want to inspire an active and joyful life on the go. That is why I think Brian Billow’s art would pair perfectly on a Hydro Flask Water bottle. His art draws inspiration from the natural world and inspires adventure just like Hydro Flask.

Final Design
