Step 1 – Question How can narrative through motion design be utilized to inform young adults about the hazards cell phones have to their face to face interactions? Step 2 – Survey Since we are all still socially distant and mostly confined to our homes I tried getting as many non designer opinions of my…
Category: Uncategorized
Problem Definition Draft #2
Cell phone addiction has led to unintended negative consequences for immediate social interactions. People may often disengage from their present company to attend, either in thought or action, to other people or events elsewhere in cyberspace. They have become so much a part of young adults’ lives that many do not realize their level of…
Research Question draft #1
How can motion design be used to inform people about the dangers of phone addiction to their in person social life’s? How can motion be used to tell a story that motivates people to travel and experience different cultures? How can motion design encourage people to get out and see the world in person rather…
Problem Definition
It is estimated that 5.6 billion people own a cell phone, with most users being between the ages of 21 to 30. This age group are more influenced by cell phones, and make up to 77% of smartphone users according to a Journal of Medical Association (Cell Phone Addiction, 2019). While cell phone use is…
Preliminary Research and Summation #2
Source Gutierrez, J. D.-S., De Fonseca, F. R., & Rubio, G. (2016). Cell-Phone Addiction: A Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Summary – A review of studies about cell phone addiction. Based on research they found that cell phone abuse is primarily found with young females. The negative effects that it has on personality is extraversion,…
Mission Statement and Design Philosophy
Identify past successes Getting an Associate degree from Arapahoe Community College, where I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Getting promoted to Assistant manager at my seasonal job. Getting into the Digital Design program at University of Colorado denver. Gaining confidence to ask questions when confused. Over the years I was…
Echo Dot Usability Test
What worked well? After using the Amazon Echo dot for about a week and having another user test its capabilities theirself for 30 minutes straight, there were definitely things that worked well. What was realized is that Alexa does a great job of answering and doing simple questions and tasks. This could be asking about…
ID Kit Research
What do you consider to be your medium, style, and services of choice? Describe why you feel that is the case. I would consider my service of choice to be motion design. Ever since I was little I have been captivated by video editing especially in television and movies. So ever since then I thought…
Preliminary Research and Summation #1
Inequality Notes wealth is much more unequally distributed than labor earnings and income The lower on the ladder people are the more likely to experience diminished economic opportunity and mobility. Lower class communities are unable to have the same reliable access to resources. Rich stay rich while poor stay poor. Keywords – Inequality, Saving, Wealth…
Strategies, Resources, Timelines
Strategies How can you leverage your thesis to set the foundation for your short, mid, and long-term goals? My thesis can set the foundation for my goals. As your thesis becomes a reflection of what you would want to do once you graduate, I can use it to develop my skills and confidence, while also…